*100,3,35 The (book symbol) menu contains two commands: ABOUT OPFROG and HELP. ABOUT OPFROG lists people who worked on this program. HELP lets you see the HELP INDEX, to learn more about program features. *110,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 The FILE menu contains eight commands. They allow you to: start a NEW dissection, OPEN or CLOSE a saved dissection, SAVE what you are working on, save a copy of that file using a different name (SAVE AS), print your work or the current screen with PRINT SCREEN, give your printer instructions with PAGE SETUP, choose how challenging this round of OPFROG will be with PREFERENCES, or QUIT. *120,14,15 The WORK menu contains two commands. OPTIFROG displays all three layers of organs without requiring you to do a dissection. FROG FILES list available information about any organ or organ system. *130 This command displays names of those people who created and published OPERATION: FROG. *140 Move the cursor to any location on the screen and press F1. You will see the HELP INDEX. Choose the topic on which you need help, and click to read more about it. *150,27,28 Choose NEW to begin a new dissection or reconstruction. If you are using keyboard controls, press CONTROL-N to activate this command. *160,27,28 Choose OPEN to display and continue working on a dissection or reconstruction that you have saved. *170 CLOSE tells the program that you are finished working on the current dissection or reconstruction. It will automatically ask you if you wish to save your work. *180,9 SAVE tells the program that you wish to save your work. Have a formatted data disk ready to save your work. If your work has already been saved, it will save it again under that name. To specify a new name, use SAVE AS. *190 Choose SAVE AS to save a new file or to save a file under a different name. Have a formatted data disk ready to save your work. *200 Choose PRINT SCREEN to print your work. Make sure your printer is turned on and connected to your computer. *210 Use PAGE SETUP to choose how your printer will print a screen from OPERATION: FROG. You can set the page size, inverse printing, show the tools, etcetera. *220 Use PREFERENCES to make the following choices before you use OPERATION: FROG: -male or female frog -basic or enhanced (more detailed) text -hints (such as snip points) on or off *230,8,9 Choose QUIT when you are finished working with OPERATION: FROG. You will be asked if you are sure, and if you would like to save your work. You can also press ALT-X to quit. *240,32 Choose OPTIFROG to see all the organs in a frog's body. You can choose the layer you want to see. Then use the probe to see organ names. Click DONE to return to your work. *250 FROG FILES lists all organs in the frog's body. Click on any organ name to learn more about it. *260,32,30,31,33 The tools you use in OPERATION: FROG work as follows: PROBE shows you snip points on the frog and organ names. You can also use it to get hints about how to open the frog. SCISSORS open the frog and snip organs. MAGNIFYING LENS gives you information when you place it over an organ in the tray. FORCEPS are used to drag snipped organ to tray during dissection. During reconstruction, use them to drag organ back to body. To MOVE the toolbox, click or press SHIFT key on any part of it. Drag it to the desired location, and release mouse button or SHIFT key to drop it there. *270,32,30 When the frog is closed, use the probe to get hints about snip points. Use the scissors to open the frog. *280,32,34,33,30,20 Your goal is to remove every organ in the correct order, and to place each organ properly in the tray. Use the probe to see snip points. Use the scissors to snip organs. Use forceps to remove each organ and move it to the tray. *290,32,21 Your goal is to put the frog together. You must replace each organ in the proper order. When you've replaced the last organ, you will get a final score. You score depends on the number of tries it takes you, and the number of hints requested. To get hints, place the probe over the organs in the tray. The organ that flashes can be replaced next. *300,33 This is the organ tray. Use the forceps to remove snipped organs from the frog, then place each into its outlined area in the tray. *310,33,32 This is the organ tray. Use the forceps to pick up each organ and replace it in the frog's body. Use the probe for hints. *320,32 When you place the probe over an organ in the frog's body, the name of that organ will appear here. *330,0,1,2 The menu bar is at the top of the screen. You can see the commands contained in the (book) menu, the Work menu, or the File menu, by choosing it on the menu bar. *340,1 Use Choose Printer from the File menu to tell OPERATION: FROG what kind of printer you are using. *350,12,1,26 You can choose Basic Text from Preferences on the File menu before beginning a dissection or reconstruction. This option provides basic information about each organ and its system. If you wish to read more detailed information about the frog's organs and systems, choose Enhanced Text. *360,12,1,25 You can choose Enhanced Text from Preferences on the File menu before beginning a dissection or reconstruction. This option, unlike Basic Text, provides more detailed information about the frog's organs and systems. *370,32,30,20,18,31 During a Dissection, you will open the frog, probe and snip the body organs, remove the organs and then put them in their proper place in the examination tray. Investigate the frog's organs and systems close up with the magnifying lens. *380,22,32,21 During Reconstruction, your job is to put the frog back together. To get a higher score, try to replace all the organs in their proper order and place without any hints. If you need a hint, place the probe over any organ in the tray and its name will appear on the status bar. If it can be replaced next, you will see a small circle on it. *390 Keyboard shortcuts allow you to access parts of Operation: Frog without using the menus or commands. You can see many of these single keypresses or keypress combinations listed on the menus. You will find a complete list in your User's Manual. *400,34 The Scissors are used during the dissection to open the frog and cut each organ at its snipping points. *410,20,15 The Magnifying Lens can be used to examine organs only after they have been snipped and placed in the tray. During the dissection or reconstruction, place the magnifying lens over any organ to read about it. The Frog Files will describe the organ and its function in the frog's body. *420,14,20,21 You can use the Probe throughout the dissection and reconstruction, as well as to examine the frog's layers in Optifrog. During the dissection, place the probe over the body of the closed frog to get hints for opening the frog. Once the frog is open, place the probe over any organ to see all its snipping points, and to get a hint about which organ may be removed next. During reconstruction, place the probe over any organ in the tray to get a hint about which organ can be replaced next. *430,20,21 The Forceps are used during dissection to pick up and move the frog's organs to the examination tray. During reconstruction, use the Forceps to pick up and move each organ back into the frog's body. *440,30,32 Snip points show the place where you should use the scissors. Snip points appear on the closed frog's body, and on each organ when it is ready to be removed. To see snip points, place the Probe over the closed frog or organs in the open body, and snip points will flash. *450 Choose Help Index to see a list of items about which help is available. You can scan the list in three ways; press PG UP or PG DN, use up and down arrow keys on your keyboard, or click on the arrow bar to the right of the list. To see a highlighted entry, click or press ENTER. *1000